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Level 1 – Boot Camp

BootCamp is the first step into becoming more physically fit and gaining confidence and strength, all while losing those extra pounds that are easy to acquire but hard to lose.

By the way, Crossfit Hardbodies was ranked the #1 Fitness Boot Camp by Stuart magazine in 2010, so you’ve come to the right place! So, what sets us apart and allows us to provide more value than other BootCamps?

  1. Every session is run by a Certified Crossfit Trainer who will take the time to make sure that you are using the correct weights and technique for each set of exercises.
  2. The sessions aren’t easy, but they aren’t impossible either. Because you are in a group, you’ll be motivated to do much more than you would on your own. The end result is that you will see yourself transform — with weight loss exercises — in only a few short weeks.
  3. Our primary goal is safety; you won’t be allowed to tackle anything that we feel that you can’t do quite yet. And if you have an injury, we’ll work around it, such that you won’t be allowed to stress what already has been stressed.
  4. We have fun! Well, not all the time, but we want you to enjoy the group dynamics and we strive to make sure you want to continue to keep coming back.
  5. Nutritional guidance is included for all of those that would like to learn how to eat correctly for increased weight loss results.

While our BootCamps are appropriate for world-class triathletes, bodybuilders, and First-Responders – the majority of our clients are everyday people who simply want to get fit. Even people in their 60s who wish to enhance their quality of life, and preserve their ability to live independently will benefit from our BootCamp.

BootCamp is very straightforward. You come to one of the many workout sessions available during the week, as well as the Saturday session if you like. You do not have to attend the same session time every day – in fact, it is better to mix up session times because you’ll get to meet a lot more people. When you walk into the facility (called a “box”), there is a whiteboard that will list the “WOD” (Workout of the Day) – there will be one for Crossfitters, and a separate one for people enrolled in BootCamp. You do the exercises listed — either by yourself or in small groups — with the equipment that is appropriate for you and your physical condition (although there will be a baseline recommendation for both men and women listed). You will complete the exercises and you will also sweat a lot and have fun in the process. And, when you come back the next day the exercises will be completely different, so you will never get bored!

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