Road Warriors
For Road Warriors Only
If you travel a lot as part of your job, you most likely have used the excuse that it makes no sense to join any type of regimented fitness program because you’ll be gone 50%+ of the time, and thus won’t be able to ever really change your body the way you’d like for it to change.
Well, you can’t use that excuse, at least not if you join Crossfit Hardbodies. We understand the rigors of being a road warrior, which is why we’ve developed a program specifically for you: the RWWOD, or "Road Warrior Workout of the Day."
The concept is simple. Enroll in either our Boot Camp or Crossfit program. Let us know when you’ll be traveling and unable to join us in Port St. Lucie, and we’ll email you a WOD that you can do in your hotel room either in the morning or at the end of the day. It won’t involve throwing 20 lb. weight balls against the wall, because you won’t have access to them. Instead, we’ll come up with a workout tailored to use the equipment that you will have access to in your hotel room.
No excuses accepted – you now have the ability to work out all the time, knowing that someone has created a program to help you achieve your goals, and holding you personally accountable in the process.